Episode Two

By Dr Leah Merle Batty

Jun 23, 2024

Hello, Tea with the Experts listeners!

I’m Dr. Leah Merle, and I’m delighted to announce the next episode in our "What Is" Series: What Is Disordered Eating? This is a crucial topic that affects many individuals, yet it often remains misunderstood or overlooked.

Why This Topic?

Disordered eating encompasses a range of irregular eating behaviors that can significantly impact one's physical and mental health. Understanding disordered eating is vital for recognizing it in ourselves or others, seeking help, and fostering a supportive environment.

What You'll Learn

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • Definition and Scope: What disordered eating is and how it differs from eating disorders.
  • Types of Disordered Eating: An exploration of various behaviors such as chronic dieting, binge eating, restrictive eating, and more.
  • Causes and Triggers: Insight into the psychological, social, and biological factors that contribute to disordered eating.
  • Impact on Health: The physical and mental health consequences of disordered eating.
  • Seeking Help: Guidance on how to recognize disordered eating patterns and the importance of seeking professional support.

Our Expert Guest

I am thrilled to welcome Chelsea Buffum, a registered dietitian and eating disorder specialist, to the show. Chelsea has extensive experience in the field of nutritional therapy and has dedicated her career to helping individuals with eating disorders and disordered eating patterns. Her compassionate approach and deep expertise will provide valuable insights and practical advice for our listeners.

Why Listen to This Episode?

  • Educational Insight: Gain a comprehensive understanding of disordered eating and its implications.
  • Professional Expertise: Hear from an experienced specialist who works directly with individuals affected by these issues.
  • Practical Advice: Learn about the steps you can take if you or someone you know is struggling with disordered eating.
  • Support and Resources: Discover resources and strategies for seeking help and supporting loved ones.

Join the Conversation

We invite you to be part of this important conversation. Do you have questions or experiences related to disordered eating that you’d like us to address in the episode? Connect with us on our social media platforms and share your thoughts. Your input is valuable in creating a supportive and informative community.

Subscribe and Stay Tuned

Don’t miss this insightful episode of Tea with the Experts. Subscribe to our podcast on [Apple Podcasts], [Spotify], [YouTube], or your preferred podcast platform. The episode will be available soon, and it promises to be both informative and empowering.

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. Together, we can shed light on these important topics and foster a more understanding and compassionate world.


Dr. Leah Merle

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